Fall, 2006 – Professor Kwong Bar Ng
GSLIS 729 – Introduction to Metadata for the Cataloging and Classification of Electronic Resources.
“Introduction to the cataloging and classification of information objects (e.g. World Wide Web pages) in a distributed network. environment. It covers the principles and practice of bibliographic control for digital networked resources by using various metadata schemes, text encoding standards and cataloging rules, including ISBD(ER), MARC 21, Dublin Core, XML, Warwick Framework and RDF. Other metadata standards like EAD, TEI Header, PICS and MCF will also be discussed.” (Course Catalog.)
This course was reputed to be one of the most difficult at GSLIS, and I concur. I use XML at work and was surprised how differently it is used in the library field. We focused mostly on MARC 21 and Dublin Core schemas.